Is it Time to Change Your Life?
Have you been frustrated in the relationship department? And how is your prosperity? If you struggle in either of these arenas, I have good news for you. Both your blocks, and the ability to clear these blocks, lie within you.
When we first arrive on planet earth we are pure love. As we spend more time on this planet of duality, we begin to experience, loss, fear, disillusionment, and begin to question our lovability. Our subconscious mind starts to accept beliefs that are not true (life is hard, we are unworthy, money is scarce, etc.) and once our subconscious mind believes something, our lives begin to reflect these beliefs back to us.
As a Holistic Life Counselor and Hypnotherapist, my intention is to support people in turning inward, so they can dissolve limiting beliefs, heal past hurts, claim what they consciously desire, and reprogram their subconscious mind so they (you) can accept the truth (that you are valuable, beautiful, brilliant, loveable, and immensely worthy) and therefore naturally manifest an empowered life of love, prosperity, freedom and fulfillment.
I have written two books, and created dozens of guided meditations to help you do just this, and the good news is, I am making this all available to you for free. Why am I doing this? Because I have learned so much, healed deeply, and now I want to pay forward what I know. I consider myself to be “Spiritual Philanthropist.” I no longer have to work to make money, and the foundation of my prosperous life is to give generously and receive graciously. So if you are ready to receive, I have many gifts for you.
I have transformed my life from one of deep emotional pain, poverty, anxiety and loneliness, to a life of peace, freedom, prosperity, and incredible love. And I want to support you in doing the same…if you are ready and want to claim this for yourself.
For PDFs of my books click here:
Manifesting Love From the Inside Out
Manifesting Prosperity From the Inside Out
Both of my books are interactive guides, designed to assist you with your transformational healing process. They are somewhat biographical in nature: I share what I have learned about the healing journey, and I also share success stories of friends and clients. There are exercises at the end of each chapter, so you can make this journey for yourself.
My books will meet you where you are at and take you as far as you intend to do. I cannot do this work for you; however, I can point the way, and be your energetic cheerleader as you take each step.
To further support you, I have created many guided meditations to help you become better friends with your subconscious mind. Once your inner child is integrated, past hurts are healed, limiting beliefs are dissolved, and you align with the power of your soul, and can accept the love of the Universe, the sky is the limit, miracles are inevitable, and all things are possible!

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