Giving and Receiving, Gift included!
For years life was painful – and felt a bit unfair. I prayed and asked God “Why is it that I give so much and don’t seem to receive much in return?” The message I heard was clear: “Because you are not a gracious receiver.” It was true, I was not. If someone gave me a compliment, I would dismiss it, when someone would offer to pay for lunch I would insist on picking up the check. On some level I did not believe I was worthy and did not want to be a burden. I have since healed these limiting beliefs and my life has utterly transformed.
Not only do I now receive well from other people, I also have opened to receiving immense blessings from the Universe and from life – and so can you!
Learning to receive graciously has been one of the biggest and most important lessons of my life. If this is something that resonates for you, I created this “Giving and Receiving” guided meditation with you in my heart.
Simply set your own personal intentions to open your mind to come into balance, then relax and listen. You can up the ante by creating a ceremony of sorts, (the subconscious loves and responds powerfully to ceremony) perhaps light a candle, make a nurturing cup of hot tea, put a blanket around your shoulders, then center your awareness in your heart and invite Spirit in for your highest good, and the highest good of all concerned, and listen.
If you listen to this guided meditation for a week, I am certain you will experience some “God Winks” and if you listen for 30 days, you and your life will undoubtedly feel and look different in beautiful ways.
My intention is to support and empower you so you can live a life you love. I am not looking to expand my client base or sell you some big program. My life is abundant, prosperous, and amazing, and now my desire is to generously share what I have learned and what has worked for me. The only thing I ask in return is if you enjoy, or receive value from the guided meditation be in touch and let me know!
And if we are not already connected on Instagram or FB, let’s do that!
This has been one of the most powerful messages I ever “got” – and I will NEVER forget that moment and the angel who orchestrated it.
Blessings on you and yours –
Thanks so much for this wonderful meditation!! Blessings to you in 2021. Onward and upward!!