
Giving God Sovereignty #ManifestingMonday

The most important and powerful thing we can do to create a happy, fulfilling human experience, is to give God Sovereignty in our lives. I am going to share a little story about what this means and how we can do it.

The Journey From Fear to Love #ManifestingMonday

Does fear paralyze or propel you? I am sharing information about how fear can be your teacher, inspire courage and support you in living a life of great love.

Acknowledging Your Gifts & Value #ManifestingMonday

My sister Tonda and I talk about some of our greatest life lessons, blessings and challenges. We also discuss how we gave up “people pleasing,” cultivated a relationship with Spirit and learned to authentically love ourselves – and how you can too!

Gestalt! A Simple Process You Can Use For Healing #ManifestingMonday

I am sharing a simple technique you can use on your own to bring you a sense of peace, clarity, healing and wholeness! Feel free to share this if you know of someone it can help.

Seeing Others Through The Eyes Of Love #ManifestingMonday

Choosing to see the best in others, is when they tend to reveal their best. Choosing to see through the eyes of love will also help you attract more beauty, bounty and blessings in your life.

Clearing Upset and Claiming Consciousness #ManifestingMonday

Upset (and the people that upset us) don’t have to be the enemy! I discuss how can we use what upsets us to propel us to into higher realms of peace, grace, ease, empowerment and consciousness!

How To Make The “Right” Choice #ManifestingMonday

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” But how do we know which way to go? Today I share some tips, tools and processes that have helped me make positive, prosperous and productive decisions – and I am confident they can help you too!

Inventory for 2018 and Intentions for 2019! #ManifestingMonday

What was your theme for 2018? And what would you like to claim for this New Year? Taking inventory and setting intentions are incredibly powerful and wonderful ways to take responsibly for creating your positive and empowered life!

Blessings For A Merry Christmas to You! #ManifestingMonday

I am sending you blessings for a Merry Christmas and the happiest holy days ever! May this year gift you with more clarity, grace, ease, divine connection and heaven on earth moments. And I have a very special prayer and gift for you.