
The Greatest Gift You Can Offer the World! #ManifestingMonday

Are you ready to offer your greatest gifts to the world? You are unique in all of the Universe, and you have important talents, propensities, and gifts. If you are ready to say YES to sharing and receiving your blessings, and celebrating the divine being you are, I have some thoughts and a prayer for you!

How to Manifest What We Really Want #ManifestingMonday

Happy Holy Day Season! And what do you really want for Christmas, Hanukkah and/or the New Year? If you would like some support manifesting your hearts desires my conversation today is for you!

Setting Boundaries #ManifestingMonday

Boundaries and discernment – who do you allow close and how close? These are very important qualities and questions to consider and implement IF you want a life of peace, grace, ease and great love!

The Empowering Practice of Claiming Intentions and Cultivating Affirmations #ManifestingMonday

If you are ready for some refining or shifting of your reality, I am sharing how the empowering practice of claiming intentions and cultivating affirmations can support you!

Heaven On Earth #ManifestingMonday

Would you like more good days, joy-filled days and “heaven on earth days?” I am sharing what I have done to shift from pain to peace, and I hope to support you on this journey as well! ???

Is Food Your Friend? #ManifestingMonday

Eating can be an act of self-loathing or self-love and everything in between. If you would like to come into a more healthy, nurturing, balanced relationship with food, this conversation is for you.

Your Relationship With Your Body #ManifestingMonday

How is your relationship with your physical self? If you would like it to be better, this conversation is for you!

Shifting from Fear & Worry, to Faith & Wondery #ManifestingMonday

If we want to transcend simply surviving and get to the higher ground of thriving, it takes our strong intention, conscious participation, consistent inner work and courageous action steps. I share some of my simple practices to help you claim a more fulfilling, love-based and empowered life.

Improving Your Relationship with Money #ManifestingMonday

Money, It’s a very real and important relationship. If you’d like to have a more prosperous, love-based and joy-filled relationship with money, take a listen and let me know your thoughts!

What Is Your Happy Number? #ManifestingMonday

Today’s Manifesting Monday Maui edition is short and sweet. On a scale of 1 to 10 what is your happy number? And if you’re ready to go higher, I have some suggestions and simple practices is for you to play with. Let me know your thoughts! And know I am sending you blessings as we journey together onward and upwards.